
Urban Archive is a technology nonprofit that promotes historical research and discovery. Our mission is to extend the reach of cultural organizations by providing them with collaborative tools to share local history.

Since launching the beta version of the app in February 2017 and App Store Version 1.0 in July 2018, we have had 30K downloads.

Other Stats:

To date, we’ve mapped 91,273 images across 34,977 locations in three cities, crafted 6,445 detailed posts, assembled 565 curated stories, and sent hundreds of New Yorkers on historical scavenger hunts in New York City.

In 2018, our users:

  • viewed 1.5 million images

  • checked in to 49,114 locations

  • received 86,184 push notifications

  • recreated 15,415 then-and-now photographs

Selected Quotes

“At its heart, the app is designed to be a centralized resource for collections — allowing museums and libraries to expand their reach and make materials they already create for exhibits and educational programs available beyond the walls of the institutions.”

“This democratization of images has the potential to allow communities to articulate untold urban histories in a new forum of public engagement.”
—Arch Paper

“When I found out about Urban Archive, it made me see NYC in a whole new way…”
—UA user

“I’ve had this app for less than 24 hours but I can already say, as a New York City history enthusiast (who has lost many hours to NYPL archive wormholes) this app incorporates history into my everyday life in an easy, exciting manner, through its bountiful features.”
—UA user

Some of our previous press:


Urban Archive, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit.

We accept funding from individuals and organizations who seek to promote education, historical research, and technological innovation. Support us or see our budget here

Brand Assets

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Working on an Urban Archive story?
Contact us here: