Urban Archive is stacked with integrations, so the right next steps for you will depend on how you want to contribute to our platform and if your assets are ready to be integrated into our system. Whether it’s mapping your collections, selling photographic prints, or posting events to the app, you can use Urban Archive to help your organization do more.
Generally speaking, to move forward, we’ll categorize your organization into two groups:
Group A: Organizations with Collections
If you are an organization with digitized collections and want to integrate them into Urban Archive, we’ll first discuss how to properly structure collection metadata for integration and ways to transfer those files into Urban Archive’s system. For the file transfer, we could offer your organization a hard drive or use a cloud service such as DropBox, iCloud or Google Drive.
In this step, we could also register your organization for Stripe integration. With Stripe, you can directly sell photographic prints via Urban Archive. All prints purchased from our platform will funnel directly into your organization’s account.
Group B: Organizations without Collections
If you are an organization that does not have collections to integrate, we’ll jump right to Collections and Curation, Education, or Community and Events. In these sections, we’ll cover ways Urban Archive can be leveraged to support and enhance your organization’s larger curatorial and educational goals with audio guides, walking tours, and other digital resources.