Audio Guides
Our Audio Guide feature is designed to connect you with new and diverse audiences–– anywhere and anytime. We offer support in the following areas:
On-Site Enhancement
If you have an exhibition, show, or historic site, our Audio Guide offers a bevy of tools from labeling to photo credits and transcription that allow you to create the perfect audio guide to your space. Designed to be adaptable and nimble to allow your organization as much freedom to showcase your content, it can also unlock audio commentary from museum curators, content experts and featured artists depending on a user’s location within an exhibition using beacon technology.
Outdoor Exhibitions
Our Audio Guide allows institutions to take advantage of geolocation technology to guide their users in a curated manner outside institution walls. With this feature, you can guide users on unrestricted and branded, immersive tours throughout the city.
Oral Histories
For institutions with oral history archives, this feature can be used to make them easily accessible and curated into collections, mobily available in the place of origin.
To preview next steps, you can see our Audio Guide Starter Kit, or contact us directly at to see how this feature might best serve your organization.