Queens Jazz Trail Map
Flushing Town Hall, Special Project
Flushing Town Hall activated the history of Jazz in Queens.
Queens Jazz Trail Map is a digital platform based on the Queens Jazz Trail, an illustrated map-poster-guide showing homes of many famous jazz musicians who lived in NYC’s Borough of Queens. Flushing Town Hall utilized our platform to create a version of the map that can be explored on a computer or mobile devices.
The goal of the project was to create an interactive version of the an existing resource with historical audio and imagery.
41,367 reach
We tracked analytics through our platform to deliver monthly reports on user submissions, views, and impressions.
Dynamic Viewing & Content Submission Tools
Collapsible map view for an easier reading experience.
Masonry view so users can explore entries by image.
Add / Edit feature utilizes a form to let users submit photos or entries.
Embed Media
Videos are embedded within posts to allow users to sample historical recordings.
Enhanced exploration
Custom icons for instruments of musicians.
Map layers to show neighborhood boundaries.
Improved search and filters for sorting content.
What did you wish to accomplish with the Queens Jazz Trail Map? How do you think it has been successful?
“We hope to contribute to the legacy and preservation of Jazz in Queens with the project in a way that everyone can enjoy, learn from, and explore. The project has been successful so far in that it has digitized an artistic and historic project for the greater ease of access to everyone in the world who loves Jazz and history.”
Molaundo Jones, Director of Marketing, Flushing Town Hall
Where do you see the future of this project?
“We see the future of the project as growing in its entries of Jazz artists in Queens and even more expansive in its interactivity for audiences.”
Molaundo Jones, Director of Marketing, Flushing Town Hall
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